
You could lose your spirit to the wind.

My Photo
Location: Colorado, United States

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Parse: An undeniable sense of well-being

It's an instruction, not a definition.

While driving home from hanging a show/stopping for fresh beer at the tasting room, we, the traffic, came upon a car going the wrong way against our one way street. Naturally, we responded with slowing and honking as they responded with stoic but noticeable fear, embarrassment and an abrupt turn signal. The car to my left had a child in a car seat in the back and when we stopped at the next light, the woman, presumably the mother, turned and smiled and comforted her child. I suspect that she was comforting herself in the same instant. She briefly looked up at me and I gave a smile and a knowing, but not knowing, nod to mean that it's good that we were all ok. As everyone drove past the stoplight, an overwhelming sense of everything being in it's right place sort-of swept over me. I realized that at this second, things were good.

Things are good.


I now have three(3) shows for first Friday, September. Technically, it's three shows in two galleries. In no particular order you can see my collaborative shots with Bethany DeMarco at FU-collective, 8th Ave just east of Santa Fe Blvd. You can also see some of my most recent project TypoGraff there in the 'Guest Artist' spot. Super-new double exposures of Typography vs. Graffiti. Uh-huh. I crossed the streams.

On the same night you may catch my stuff, as well as more collabo work at Namaste Gallery in the Highlands. New black and white, traditional silver I dreamed up after a nice rain and a close-up lens for an old TLR. Hand-printed goodness from my very own darkroom.

checkitcheckitcheckit owwwt. I will seeyouwill I see you?

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