
You could lose your spirit to the wind.

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Location: Colorado, United States

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Two Down

I should be cleaning.

Instead, I got on a tangent and fixed up the second enlarger in my arsenal, a Beseler 23C-II. It's got some age to it but is well-regarded in the photo community. At least that's what I hear. I couldn't get the lensboard out the right way, but managed to get the Schneider Componon 50mm to sit on the board. It seems to be great now and everything else is in line. I haven't printed anything with it yet, but there's a negative loaded in there right now. I was also running some tests for someone I work with on their PentaxK1000. That's up and running and even clean now. So there we are. Playing photo all morning.

Now I've got to get some more stuff done. After lunch, prolly.

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