
You could lose your spirit to the wind.

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Location: Colorado, United States

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Diafine is in

Here's the second roll out of the darkroom. I had two rolls to develop of Arista 50 shot at the two major events on my political landscape. Diafine arrived so that I didn't have to guess at development times with rodinal as I couldn't reliably find that info. Diafine rules in this particular film developing case.

Now, I'm not very good at being political but it's important to educate yourself enough to make a smart or at least informed decision. So there's MLK day march here in Denver which was really too cold and much smaller than the past couple. There's also our 2008 Super Tuesday Caucus, or at least my neighborhood's version of it at the local elementary school. So far, my favorite picture is of neither event but an interior shot of Trompeau, the bakery of super-awesome goodness. I am so lucky to have it 4 blocks away.

A walk there and to some of the best roasters in town (across the street), Kaladi Brothers and we're set for a good day.

Sometimes, I really love my 'hood.

edited for: View On Black

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