
You could lose your spirit to the wind.

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Location: Colorado, United States

Friday, March 30, 2007

Hundred and a Box

Had to break down and get another pack of archival neg holders. I'm proud enough of it to post that probably-insignificant fact. To me, it means that I thought enough of the work at some point to buy these sheets and protect the rolls of good bad and ugly. Oh and that I also have stuck with it. If you've ever had more than a ten-minute conversation with me, you know that I have a tendency to 'drift'. Here I am [at least] a hundred rolls later.

I might even get around to putting the box of 'pre-serious' stray negatives away too.
But the least I can do is say thanks for being here for some of them. To celebrate, maybe a nice big panoramic or how about a shot of that Tri-X dipped in Diafine, finally? Let the scanner finish up and then we shall have a look at this 2-stop magical push.

Now Playing: Jolie Holland: Black Stars

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