
You could lose your spirit to the wind.

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Location: Colorado, United States

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Valley of the Sun

100F by Noon today.

Not hard to know why I moved away. The heat is really oppressive. You stay indoors as much as possible. You go out in the mornings or at night, as much as you can. It makes you just want to sit inside and flop on some cool, soft surface. It explains a lot about who I was when I lived here and the difference is positively apparent now. I have explained it in harsher terms but I don't want to necessarily do that here. It is just not me anymore.

I love the green of what I now call home. Denver is beautiful this time of year, fresh, renewed from this harsh winter. The spring is ripening. Summer is full of barbecues, hiking, beers in the sun and shade, friends meeting new friends and flowers near the trees near the grass near the hills near the Red Rocks near the pines near camping near higher, cooler veins of sun filtering through mountain clouds.
Every place has it's thing. Every person has their place. I want to see so many more.

Let's find somewhere.



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