
You could lose your spirit to the wind.

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Location: Colorado, United States

Monday, June 11, 2007

Stop for this

Good news: My room no longer has 3-4 piles of wrinkled, clean clothes literally spilling over two clean blankets and two independent laundry baskets.

Bad news: I need a haircut (and still a shower) and am currently getting rocked by the idea that there are not enough hours in the day.

Luckily I discovered a band that I had heard of but never stopped to listen to called The Album Leaf. It's this guy named Jimmy Lavalle and it's damn fine. Three more CD's now on hold at my closest library. Happy listening -when I get back from errands of course.

bonus good news: I have great things in my life that inspire me to stop and shoot clovers in my front lawn and odd aloe vera vs. diluted bleach spills in my kitchen.

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