
You could lose your spirit to the wind.

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Location: Colorado, United States

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Instead of working...

I did this thing. I fell in lust with the images shown "Through The Viewfinder". I made an attempt with my Yashica TLR but there's so much on the ground glass as far as third lines and a focus aid that looks like concentric circles. I really don't know if that's a focus aid, come to think of it, but it seems right. Someone in the know, feel free to chime in here anytime. Apparently I can't be bothered.

So I found a camera for a song that fit the bill, a Kodak Duaflex IV. It arrived this morning and being the self-employed bum that I am I snuck up to the keyhole when the doorbell rang so I could avoid solicitors. There was no one there so I poked my unkempt head out of the door (oh the LIGHT! IT BURNS US!!!) and retrieved a little package from the step. I retrieved the regular mail, as well but don't know what's in there as I was talking to a friend and making a big breakfast for myself at the same time (and I got a pack). I cleaned it up, which could be frowned upon as the dust may add to the nostalgia, but I don't care really. For my purposes, I don't need too much dust. Better to add it than have to take it away I think.

Sadly, the camera itself may never take a shot of it's own. I cleaned it up nicely though and could put some film in it after adapting some 120 to 620. It's a similar situation to the Agfa Cadet. It was purchased to just be a vehicle. I'm not sure how I feel about this. More than likely I will put film through it. Yes. I will. I have to. It wouldn't be right otherwise.

So here's one.
Oh and I received my free Portra film from Kodak, finally. Will have to try that out later but not sure when it will get developed as I am trying to offset some other fees and such, like purchasing old toy cameras.

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