
You could lose your spirit to the wind.

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Location: Colorado, United States

Friday, September 15, 2006

Why did I need a plog again?


How's things? Congrats on the whole downloadable movie thing. Apparently you were right about convenience vs quality. (Apple looks a little like they took one in the jimmy right now) I'll probably keep the netflix though, if it's all the same to you. Given my choice I'd have a projector set up on the ceiling and a nice wide screen set across from me on which to view those shiny discs that cycle through my hands. I might buy that from you. hell if I was rich I'd be happy to order a ton of the things I'd like to have from you. You know how I get all 4-yr-old-going-to-a-birthday-party when I see a cardboard box outside my door. We should start with the stereo and home theater componenets though, for reals. They're older than the dogs and are beginning to sound it in addition to their quirks and malfunctions. How about that Onkyo DVD-Audio, SACD, pretty much any format you need player? That's a start. Oh and a decent 6.1 receiver, I don't think I really need 7.1 but it depends on who's buyin, eh? I'm staying in a lower budget bracket. I didn't even put that Marantz on my wishlist. It got bumped by my lust for a Nikon D200 with the nice long VR lens. Yeah i know, the Mamiya 7 is a lot to pay for a rangefinder, but still, it's medium format and it's not like I'm asking for a Leica. How cool is that? I know I know, no more cameras for a while. Feeding the sexy polaroid with 600 film is proving expensive enough.

Ok my point was and is, why do you keep throwing things in front of me that I didn't ask for? Besides the obvious advertising of what you want to sell me, of course. In short, what the fuck do I need a plog for? Was there a rage against your machine to have these things installed on everyone's reccomendation page? Was the search not working for us consumers fast enough? Did we clamour for more information about how you could better sell something to us?

I see the little click for 'what is a plog' but to be honest I got about 3 sentences into it and got bored, couldn't be bothered to finish it. It felt like I was reading about why I need to be further pimped. I'm ok without it. Maybe it will prove valuable, I've no idea. Usually when someone is explaining the revolutionary value of something as they are revealing it to me, there is a pitch at the end. Someone asks for my money. Yes, that's why you exist, I get that. That's why I can log on and find a 3 dollar used copy of an obscure design patterns bookwithin a few minutes and then save it because I wasn't all that serious about Baroque iconography anyway.

But if you really want to do something that I think I want, throw me some big coupons. Hell, set up a nice business account for me and fill it with 5 grand. I'll start a design house that will knock your socks off. Or I'll dissapear into the mist with a seriously scary bunch of optics and send you a postcard from an obscure country that begged to be silently and unobtrusively captured for the world to see it's character and know that such a pristine thing still exists. And I won't tell anyone where it is so it can continue to be so. I may need a surfboard too but I'll get that from a friend, thanks.

I'm not sure I have a photo for this letter. I'm not sure this even needed to be written. It's not helped me much. Sliding towards the delete button...



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